Job search is tough, during Covid, but people are getting job offers and it could be you. But you need to do the right thing – be smart.

I was on Radio Gloucestershire last week, discussing this with Anna King

Listen to the interview, in 2 parts

As always, using your network is important. But use it wisely. If you are looking for work, be clear on what job and why. Be too vague and no one can help you. You may be keen to get the next job, but preparation is important, be clear on what you want and why. How you stand out from everyone else.

So many people think they are busy on job search when they apply online, but so much of this is wasted time, just because you are busy, it doesn’t mean that you are being effective. Far better to spend your time meeting people, both face to face when you can and also online.


Ideally you are in touch with the people you know on a semi regular basis. If you haven’t contacted someone for a year or more, going straight in with what you are looking for and getting them to help you is hard. Think about how you approach them, and don’t immediately focus on what they can do for you; keep the message light and upbeat, not frustrated and anxious.

As many jobs are found on LinkedIn it helps to broaden your connections to include people who work in organisations you may want to apply for. Share your job search story, and you may find your connections will make suggestions and introductions.

If you know someone who works for your target company, ask them to leave your application and CV on the recruiters’ desk, it make it easy for a person to review your application.


Whilst  the percentage of people recruited into new jobs fell by 7.4% in July, compared with last year, it has increased by 57.5% since June (LinkedIn workforce report). This is the time to make sure that your LinkedIn profile is effective, and my LinkedIn makeover service will help you make impact.

What are the best industries?

Health care and retail are expanding, keep an eye on new companies, a start up could be an exciting challenge.  

New jobs include Covid-19 testers who conduct swab tests; contact tracers who track down and interview people potentially exposed to the virus; screen manufacturers and installers who provide plexiglass shields and dividers for work stations and public places; Zoom support specialists who provide technical support for video meetings, classroom sessions, medical visits, and other business and social interactions.

Be willing to apply for lower level jobs and be clear on why you are a great catch for the employer, as they will think you see this as a temporary job till you get something better. Once in demonstrate your worth by doing more and increase your chance of getting a better job.


It can be frustrating to apply and hear nothing, and whilst people talk of numbers – get an interview for 1:200 applications, so much depends on the quality of application,  If it is poor you can send 10,000 and still not get shortlisted.   Make sure to include key words as much shortlisting is done by technology and this can improve the ratio, but could still be 1:50, hence the need to use people to help in your application.


These are moving online, and you need to make a great first impression. Think about all aspects – your background – no messy bed or untidy room, probably skip the virtual backgrounds that can look a bit weird, and make sure you look good. Get a light behind your screen to brighten your face. You could do a test call with someone or record yourself and critically assess your performance.

You also need effective interview techniques; don’t waste the chance of a job offer by blowing the interview. I help many people be successful at interview and could help you.

See also previous related blog posts

Who is hiring – June 16

Job Search Tips – June 11

How will you stand out in the job market – May 27

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Published On: September 14th, 2020 / Categories: Job Search /

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