Let me help you be successful in your job search

Too many people fail to get the job they want because they don’t understand modern job search methods.
I use my experience as an interviewer, assessor, author of 6 career books, Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, Writer for The Times, The Telegraph, The Guardian and many magazines, and Careers Expert on Radio 5 and 25+ years of experience to help clients be successful in job search.

Every day I’m updating what works and what doesn’t work so that I can share the cutting-edge knowledge and techniques for the 21st century job search process. I use all my experience and knowledge to help people like you be successful in your job search to get the job you want.

There is so much information available for free online and it’s easy to think that you can get all the info you need from this, but so much is poor quality, and often wrong. You need to make sure you get information that is sound. Far better to talk to a knowledgeable expert.

My signature job search programme is The Job Search Accelerator. Let me work with you for 3 months to transform every element of your job search.

Want to pick and mix? I can help with