Transitioning from a successful corporate career to entrepreneurship is a significant step. As an experienced professional, you need a strategic approach that leverages your expertise while preparing you for the unique challenges of business ownership.

Comprehensive Support for Your Entrepreneurial Journey

  1. Online Course: “From Corporate to Entrepreneur”

A cost-effective, self-paced program covering:

  • Assessing your entrepreneurial readiness
  • Leveraging your professional experience in a new venture
  • Financial planning for the transition

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  1. Personalized One-on-One Coaching Programme

Session 1: Self-Assessment and Skill Inventory

  • Analyse your strengths, values, and career drivers
  • Identify transferable skills from your corporate experience
  • Optional: VIA Strengths Exercise or Fascination Advantage assessment

Session 2: Vision and Goal Setting

  • Define your ideal work-life balance
  • Set realistic financial targets
  • Explore various business models suitable for your expertise

Session 3: Business Idea Validation

  • Scenario planning and risk assessment
  • Market analysis tailored to your industry expertise
  • Decision-making framework for choosing your business direction

Follow-up Sessions:

– Develop a robust action plan

– Accountability check-ins

– Guidance on specific business challenges

Why Choose This Program?

  • Focus on leveraging your existing network and expertise
  • Realistic assessment of the entrepreneurial lifestyle
  • Guidance on creating a sustainable business model

Expert Guidance from a Seasoned Entrepreneur

With an MBA, extensive experience in Business Excellence, and over 20 years as a business owner, I offer:

  • Practical insights on transitioning from corporate to entrepreneurship
  • Strategies for building a business that aligns with your lifestyle goals
  • Guidance on creating efficient business systems
  • Marketing strategies leveraging your professional reputation

Client Success Story:

“After 25 years in finance, I was ready for a change but unsure how to proceed. Denise’s program helped me transition my expertise into a thriving consultancy. Her guidance on leveraging my network and creating scalable systems was invaluable.” – Mark E., Former CFO, now Business Strategy Consultant

I already work for myself but I’m not having much success

Are you feeling swamped? Not as effective as you could? Doing too much but not achieving your goals? Losing sight of the reason you set up in business?

We need to talk, and find out the blocks and get them unfixed.

Perhaps you chose the wrong small business idea, or perhaps you need to add more to your portfolio career mix. It can help to utilise what you already can do and sell those services – whether you be a carpenter, IT software designer, book keeper, occupational psychologist …. You can often get consultancy as an associate which is a great mix into a portfolio career.

Why Business owners choose Denise

  • Denise is organised and motivational and able to motivate other business owners, and not just small businesses!
  • Denise has a track record of working with entrepreneurs
  • Denise runs a successful business and is generous in what she shares
  • Denise is seen as an expert in the area of developing successful careers and job search, regularly featured in print and on the radio. She’s regularly featured as a guest expert on Radio 5 Live

Client feedback – small business ideas and portfolio careers

“Imagine having someone objective to bounce ideas around with, someone with personal expertise, and high levels of idea productivity. Someone on your side who wants you to succeed – Denise can provide this for you.”  Adam

“Thank you for listening, sharing in a very generous, giving manner, and making me feel proud of my past. Your structured approach to taking the next steps are easy to follow and I’m making good progress and feeling much more positive about the future. Your guidance and suggestions ‘outpaced’ two other organisations, making me feel comfortable when other so called experts did not have the depth of experience you demonstrated!”  Mark Edwards, Worcestershire

I am good at my work but didn’t really understand about systems. Clients seemed to be taking control and I was always waiting to be paid. I was also not working effectively and needed help with time management. The calls with Denise were very motivating and I was prompted to take immediate action.  I’m not there yet, but I’m getting closer, and will continue with regular sessions – what she does is brilliant.’ Rob, Web Designer, Ireland

“I would like to thank you for all your help and support with helping me decide on what career path to take. I was quite confused on where to go with my career when I first met you but after our conversations and completing some questionnaires/reports, including the Strong Interest Inventory I was able to make some good decisions. Your commitment and passion for your work shines through and it is very inspirational to see what can be achieved if you choose the right career for yourself and you are an excellent example for this.”  Jessica, Small Business Owner, Gloucester