Unlock Your Potential with Deeper Self-Understanding

As a seasoned professional, you’ve likely encountered personality assessments before. However, the MBTI® offers unique insights that can significantly impact your career trajectory and leadership style. It’s particularly valuable for professionals at pivotal career stages, whether you’re considering a leadership role, contemplating a career shift, or aiming to enhance your team dynamics.

You’ve probably come across the 4 dimensions: Where you get your energy from (Extraversion or Introversion), how you prefer to gather information (Sensing or Intuition), how you prefer to decide (Thinking or Feeling) and preferred lifestyle (Judging or Perceiving). It’s available as Step 1 and Step 2

MBTI® Step 1: Foundation for Self-Awareness

The MBTI® Step 1 provides a comprehensive overview of your personality type, offering insights into:

  • Your energy sources (Extraversion or Introversion)
  • Information gathering preferences (Sensing or Intuition)
  • Decision-making approaches (Thinking or Feeling)
  • Work-life balance preferences (Judging or Perceiving)

Investment: £195


  • Full-colour personalized report
  • 30-minute expert interpretation session
Career assessments

I have 4 alternative reports, access sample reports using these links:

MBTI Interpretive report

Choose this if you want to understand more about MBTI type, without needing a particular work perspective.

College edition

Aimed at students,  please request this when you order.

MBTI Interpretive report for organisations 

For people who want to understand and enhance their performance at work, please request this version when you order.

MBTI Career report 

If your goal is help in identifying alternative careers then this could be helpful, but I prefer to use the Highlands Ability Battery but this can be useful to read alongside.

I can also provide more detailed reports – you buy these as additional reports to the main step 1 report. You can read more about these and get sample reports via this blog post.

MBTI® Step 2: In-Depth Analysis for Seasoned Professionals

For those seeking a nuanced understanding of their personality and its impact on their professional life, the MBTI® Step 2 is unparalleled. It’s particularly beneficial for:

  • C-suite executives fine-tuning their leadership style
  • Professionals navigating complex team dynamics
  • Individuals contemplating significant career shifts

Key Features:

– Analysis of 20 personality facets across the 4 main scales

– Detailed insights into communication styles, decision-making processes, and conflict management approaches

Investment: £255


  • Comprehensive colour report
  • 45-minute expert interpretation session

Each of the four scales has five subscales, resulting in over a million possible combinations. For example, Extravert-Introvert is made up of 5 sub-scales including Initiating-Receiving and Expressive-Contained. You need to take the Myers Briggs Type Indicator Step 2 to see your subscale results. The assessment comes with a 45-minute discussion and full colour report.

The report includes:

  • Introduction to the 4 preferences. Myers Briggs Type Indicator Step 1 results;
  • Myers Briggs Type Indicator Step 2 results with very detailed breakdown of the facets.
  • Sections on how to apply Step 2 to communication with details on how to enhance.; how to apply Step 2 to making decisions, how to apply Step 2 to managing change and how to apply step 2 to managing conflict. 

The Process:

  1. Select your preferred assessment (Step 1 or Step 2)
  2. Complete the online assessment (approximately 30-45 minutes)
  3. Receive your personalized report within 24 hours
  4. Engage in a one-on-one interpretation session with an expert

Client Testimonial:

“As a senior manager with 20 years of experience, I thought I knew myself well. The MBTI® Step 2 revealed nuances in my leadership style that have been game-changing for my team dynamics and decision-making processes.” – Sarah L., VP of Operations

Invest in Your Professional Growth

Understanding your MBTI® type can be a powerful tool for career advancement, team building, and personal development. It’s an investment in your professional future that can yield significant returns in job satisfaction and leadership effectiveness.

Trademark information – MBTI, Myers-Briggs, and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust in the United States and other countries. Strong Interest Inventory and Firo-B are registered trademarks of CPP, Inc.