I can provide engaging talks on career, lifestyle, and retirement. Let’s arrange a time to discuss your requirements.

Some of my speaking gigs include

The 50+ Show (London and Birmingham) where I did inspiring sessions to motivate the over 50s to have a more fulfilled life.

Keynote speaker at Adult Skills – ‘you are a very engaging and motivating speaker’

Guest speaker for The Oddfellows Annual Conference, talking about Friendship.

The 21st Century way to market your book, Society of Authors

The book launch party is now rare.  Publishers ask the size of our ‘platform’ and how WE are going to market our book. Denise has accepted the challenge and will share practical advice on flyers, tempting offers, creating videos, virtual book tours, and more.

  • “Thank you very much for an inspiring afternoon with the Society of Authors members at the Golden Heart, Gloucestershire on 25th Jan.”
  • “I was VERY impressed with your talk Denise… your enthusiasm bubbles over and is wonderfully infectious.  Thanks very much”
  • “Just a quick note to thank you for your most entertaining and enjoyable talk yesterday at the Golden Heart.”

How to create and Publish eBooks to the Career Writers Association

  • “I wanted to thank you for such an inspiring presentation and for giving up what was a long day to travel in and out of London to support our Careers Writers Association meeting.”
  • “Thanks so much for coming to London yesterday to provide such an inspirational and energetic talk. We all found it really helpful, and all the tips and web links about how to get published online are fantastic.”
  • “Really enjoyed the session and was impressed with your energy. Inspired by your example I have come up with 2 possible e books which will be easy to write.  Aimed at parents and to be completed by May next year – and not before, as am currently working 6 days a week till mid Dec!”

“Hi Denise – You were gr8 to listen to & I learnt lots! Looking 4ward to converting my book to an e-version. So much to do!” (this was a tweet!)

Other talks include

  • Psychometric tests – Tools of the devil or an effective addition for careers guidance at ICG Career Guidance Conference
  • Managing your career in times of recession– Open University MBA Alumni residential weekend
  • Career coaching in times of recession – Association for Career Professional International event
  • Working for yourself – should you set up in private practice?at ICG Career Guidance Conference
  • Moving on with your MBA– Open University Business School, Bath University Business School
  • Coping with Change at Work– at The ACW conference, London
  • Redundancy Counselling in Royal Mail – BPS Counselling Psychology Conference, Birmingham

To discuss your requirements, call me on 07931 303367 or email deniseATamazingpeople.co.uk