Amazing People (est. 1998) is a boutique coaching company personally directed by Dr Denise Taylor.

Amazing People is small from choice.
Rather than grow into yet another faceless company where you meet a sales person, not the person you will work with, when you choose to work with Amazing People you will be working with multi award-winning Career Coach Denise Taylor.


  • Gained her doctorate researching Retirement Transitions in 2021
  • Has a first degree in Psychology and 2 master’s degrees: Occupational Psychology and Business Admin (MBA).
  • Is a Chartered Psychologist, and has been recognised as an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS).
  • Is a qualified Vision Quest Guide
  • Attended Mastery University with Anthony Robbins, courses with Gerard Egan and Deepak Chopra and many day events.
  • loves wild camping and learning bushcraft.

It’s not just about the qualifications, Denise is noted as being creative, visionary, and fun to work with. She loves to gather new information and resources to best serve her clients.

“Don’t come to me for the boring and traditional, people choose me because I continually research, review and revise. I love discovering new ways of helping my clients achieve the results they want”.

What has made Denise stand out for over 25 years is how she uses her energy and creativity to identify trends and adapt and improve traditional approaches for the benefit of her clients. Her top strengths are love of learning, curiosity, perspective, zest and honesty.

Alongside writing 7 career books, Denise is regularly featured as an expert in the media including The Times, The Sun, Esquire, Metro, Daily Mail, The Guardian Career Forums and was regularly featured as the midnight expert slot on the Phil Williams show, BBC Radio5.

If you are a Career Professional …

I’m a qualified supervisor and on the register of Applied Psychology Practice Supervisors with the British Psychological Society. Get in touch to discuss supervision

Why Choose Amazing People

I’ve got 15 reasons why people choose to work with us