Elevate Your Online Presence to Attract Top Opportunities

In today’s digital-first professional landscape, your online presence is crucial for career advancement. As an experienced professional, you need more than just a basic LinkedIn profile – you need a comprehensive digital branding strategy that showcases your expertise and attracts high-level opportunities.

Why Choose Expert Digital Branding?

With over 15 years of experience and certifications as a Personal Branding Analyst and LinkedIn Writer, I specialize in helping mid to senior-level professionals create impactful online presences. My approach goes beyond LinkedIn, encompassing a holistic digital strategy tailored to your career goals.

Comprehensive Digital Branding Package

  1. Strategic Digital Audit

  • Benchmark your current online presence
  • Identify key platforms for your industry and role level
  1. Defining Your Professional Brand

  • Clarify your unique value proposition
  • Develop your authentic brand voice
  1. LinkedIn Profile Optimization

  • Create a compelling career narrative
  • Craft an impactful ‘About’ section
  • Optimize all profile elements for executive visibility
  1. Beyond LinkedIn

  • Strategies for thought leadership content
  • Efficient methods for maintaining an active online presence

What You’ll Achieve:

  • A cohesive digital brand strategy aligned with your career goals
  • An optimized LinkedIn profile that attracts recruiters and industry leaders
  • Strategies for establishing yourself as a thought leader in your field
  • Efficient techniques for maintaining your online presence alongside your busy schedule

Investment: £750


  • Digital Audit Report
  • Four 45-minute personalized coaching sessions
  • Expert review and editing of your content

Accelerated Option: 45-Minute Strategic Review

For professionals seeking quick, targeted improvements:

  • Pre-call profile review
  • Real-time guidance for immediate enhancements
  • Recorded call for future reference

Investment: £175

Client Success Story:

“After 20 years in finance, I needed to revamp my online presence. Denise’s approach not only transformed my LinkedIn profile but also helped me establish a thought leadership presence that led to speaking engagements and a board position.” – James T., CFO

Got questions?

Schedule a time to discuss your needs and how I can be of help.

LinkedIn Makeover with digital branding strategy

This comprehensive service includes 4 Zoom sessions.

LinkedIn Strategic Review

When you want an expert’s take on your profile, with practical guidance.