This extensive programme will enable you to have a strong understanding of who you are, reach a career decision and get your ready to present yourself to the world.

The Platinum Career Programme was developed to help people understand who they are and to enable them to be better placed to make career decisions.  It is based on The Gold Programme which won a National Career Award in 2007.

Great for Career Changers

You’ve had a successful career and you earn a good salary – perhaps people even envy where you are – and yet you’re no longer happy. Your career no longer works for you, perhaps never did. In fact, it’s starting to cause you stress. It’s impacting other areas of your life – your relationships, your family, even your health and happiness. This programme will give you clarity on where to go next.

Where could you go from here?

As a career coach, my clients have moved from high-stress lawyer to pro sports player, from PR to Interior Design, from Teacher to Estate Agent, Buyer to University Researcher, from Project Manager to chef on a yacht. Some clients have moved up into a higher level in the same career. And some have started their own business. A few even have discovered that they can remodel their current job into something far more enjoyable without quitting. Every story is unique, just as is yours.

Clients have successfully fulfilled their desire for something more creative, more meaningful, less pressured. Use my creativity and knowledge to identify options.

Career theory underpins the Platinum Programme and draws on three major domains of individual differences – cognitive (ability), conative (motivation and interest) and affective (personality). These are assessed via ability tests, personality questionnaire, and interest inventories and drawn together by a skilled psychologist.

We go beyond this, to look deep into your career story, what has brought you to where you are today and gain clarity into the key requirements of a career move (location, stress levels, people, prospects). The more you understand who you are the better able you are to take advantage of opportunities that arise and to seek out steps to reach your personal career objectives.

Step 1: Your Career Story (90 minutes)

It’s rare to have an extended conversation with someone who will truly listen and reflect back on your life. This session includes completion of a personal information form and a review of 3 exercises: Character Strengths, Personal Values and Saboteurs which you complete and return at least one full working day before our session (For a Monday session this should be returned by Thursday evening).

Step 2 – Assessment phase

The assessments are taken from your home computer and full instructions are provided.

The ability of any single assessment to predict career direction increases dramatically when there is agreement between several tests. Analysis will seek out these areas of agreement.

Career assessments

Ability: The Highlands Ability Battery

The ‘Gold Standard’ to objectively identify natural abilities and talents. This is an objective assessment of your natural ability and consists of 19 different work samples. It’s extensive, taking around 3 hours (you don’t need to complete it in one session) and the results will help you to really understand yourself. You get 3 full colour reports (over 100 pages) and a personalised 1-page summary. The Career Exploration Supplemental Report identifies possible career paths aligned with your natural abilities.

Interest: Strong Interest Inventory

The Strong Interest Inventory is based on the idea that individuals with similar interests are often attracted to the same kind of work and are likely to be successful in a work environment that reflects those interests.

Complete MBTI Step 2

This highly regarded personality assessment goes into much greater depth than the free versions available online. It divides each of the 4 scales into 5 facets, resulting in an indepth understanding of your personality characteristics and a detailed personal development plan which provides suggestions related to communication, decision making, managing change and managing conflict. You have the option to take the 15FQ instead.

You receive over 175 pages of personalized reports

These are in digital format for you to review and I provide comprehensive report interpretation for all assessments.

You receive all these PDF full colour reports based on the Highlands Ability Battery

  • Main Highlands Report – 21 pages
  • Personal Career Exploration Supplement – 29 pages
  • Personal Work Types – 6 pages
  • Leader Report – where are your strengths as a leader? – 38 pages
  • Highlands Explored – 30 page booklet taking you beyond your report (created by and available only from Dr Denise Taylor)
  • Critical Career Implications – a 1-2 page personal summary of the key points from your highlands ability battery results (created by and available only from Dr Denise Taylor)

You also receive these PDF full colour reports

  • MBTI – 17 pages
  • Strong Interest Inventory – 19 pages
  • MBTI Explored (created by and available only from Dr Denise Taylor)

Session 2: The Ability Battery Feedback Session (2 hours)

I carefully take you through the 3 reports based on your Highlands Ability Battery assessment,  ensuring you fully understand your strengths and how you can use this information in both education and career orientated decision making. I also talk you through your personal one page summary and ensure you are clear on your next steps, to look beyond your report.

Session 3: Psychometric Feedback Discussion (1 Hour)

In this discussion we carefully review the results of both the personality assessment (MBTI Step 2 or 15FQ) and the Strong Interest Inventory ensuring you fully understand what they mean with time for us to provide context to deepen your understanding.

Stay focused – unlimited video coaching between sessions

To keep you focused you can send a question by email and receive a video reply usually the same day. I respond Monday to Friday

Step 3 – Bringing it together

I carefully review all the reports and our discussions and create a Custom hand-selected list of 10-12 best-fit career paths . There is extensive work behind the scenes as I do the ‘heavy lifting’ for you.

Session 4  (45 minutes)

In this session we will discuss the work done to date and ensure you have a comprehensive plan to explore your options. Clear guidance is provided.

Session 5  (45 minutes)

A further 45 minute session is included to take place within 4 weeks of session 4 to discuss your findings.

You also get complimentary access to 2 online courses: Create a Successful CV and Get Interview Ready. These are like guided coaching sessions with Denise taking you through all the steps you need for a successful and effective CV and to ensure you are much more confident for upcoming interviews.

I also provide personalised feedback and an action plan to raise your profile, create a ‘personal brand’, improve your CV and LinkedIn profile. Once the suggestions have been implemented everything is reviewed again.

Bought individually this Platinum Career Programme would cost well over £2500, buy as a package for £1997 (introductory offer).

Once payment is received you will be sent details by email to enable you to schedule your sessions. You will also receive access to the assessments. These need to be set up by a real person so please allow a few hours for the email to be sent.

Let’s talk –
Arrange an initial consultation so I can understand your requirements.