CAREER DISCOVERY: 10 Steps to a job you love
This is an introduction to taking control of your career. Find out where most people go wrong, and go through the 10 key steps that will allow you to get a comprehensive and holistic understanding to help you make a career decision.
The 10 steps ask powerful questions to get you to focus on:
- Why you want to change careers?
- A clear vision of your future work environment
- What you love to do
- Your personal style and how to describe it
- Your skills
- Your values and how they drive your career choices
- Your abilities
- Your life goals
- Getting real
- Making decisions
Hi Denise – I really enjoyed this eBook and am looking forward to spending time reflecting more on what it brought forth – I may contact you with a view to setting up a phone session at some point – may I say how inspiring I find you and I’m so happy to receive this newsletter – it helps me feel connected in a very positive way to a valuable resource. Veronica
The 10 steps eProgramme is a real eye opener. It helped me think logically about what I like in a job and what I want from a job. I have recommended it to at least two people” Louise Jennings
Thanks for the 10 step eBook. It’s provided lots of food for thought but I’ve still got lots of the thinking to do! Will definitely be in touch with you when I’ve given more consideration to each of the steps. Many thanks Carole
Initially I worked on step one of ‘Finding a job you love’ then love took over and the programme was parked for a while! I then resurrected it and only got to step 7 when it was obvious what I was supposed to do, my light bulb moment came. The very next day Iwas in London for three interviews to study Interior Design. The following day I signed up and then started the course three days later!!! I am enjoying it so much and have finally found my path in which I began looking for 8 years ago! Jackie
“I had been thinking very laterally about direction but writing down those things that have always interested and excited me and then realising how well they stack up against the work I’ve done this far, proved to me that a radical change was not necessary. To then take the time to identify the skills I feel I can offer, to balance those things that I’d been struggling with (by identifying what matters to me the most in life) and finally to set out my abilities, meant that I’d just about identified my next move before I’d even got to step eight!” Thanks very much for this, I know now what I want to do, and am on my way to getting there”. Ben Vaughan
I was very impressed with the ’10 Steps to a Job you Love’ eBook, although I admit I have not done the exercises properly yet, just thought about the answers. The main things that resonated with me were the steps re finding a job which is in accordance with your own values (which I have never read in a job search course before) and using your own special skills and natural abilities. From that you can guess my current job is not a ‘good fit’ with regard to these things. Debs
Hello Denise,
A couple of months ago I turned to you for advise, and because my current work situation was so chaotic I felt that wasn’t the ideal time to engage fully in a personal coaching program, but signed up your eBook. And that was all I needed, I have now landed my dream job! I can’t tell you how good I feel about this!
First I started by checking out your advice about “what to do if you hate your job and just can’t leave”. That helped to reduce some stress in my current situation. And then I started doing all the exercises … and by completing all the exercises (well at least going through them) and getting to “know me” I did so well at my 1st interview!
My objective with that interview was just that I wanted to be well prepared, feel good when I left and make sure I felt good about my performance, that I had managed to do my best!
And I did! Thank you so much.
I remember just reading your material started to fill me with positive thoughts…and now 2 months or something later I have found a great job! A job that involves many of the key elements I want in my ideal job!
Thank you so much for inspiring me to get round to making this change.
Kindest regards, Jess
The 10 Steps and how it helped me…
It may seem very logical for some people but when you’re in the middle of a crisis or funk, when you just can’t see the woods for the trees and cannot dig yourself out of that black hole of de-motivation, the thought of dusting yourself off in readiness for the next adventure in life can tip you over the edge! So that is when the thoughtful 10 steps structure can be a head clearing godsend! The key I think is that it makes you stop and THINK!
You may not meet everything on your wish list of a utopian job, but at least you are clearer about what it is you like and dislike and being realistic in terms of what you can or will put up with on the way to getting there. Some of the thought provocation is difficult, especially near the end if you’re not used to thinking of yourself in terms of a product or service or sales pitch! What do you do well? Sleep was my first response.
In my case I was finally made redundant after years of living through political and hierarchical machinations of torture in terms of job roles, organisation structure and performance measurements. Communication was diabolical and we all basically stayed for truly wrong reasons. For me this was a release and I was one of the few wandering round the office with a smile for the last 3 months, but…I had no clue (as usual) what to do next as like with every other job throughout my increasingly long life, I had just ‘fallen’ into it. There was no master plan of action; I just need ‘a’ job with little thought to enjoyment as long as it paid the bills and for trips abroad. The thought of actually doing anything I enjoyed as a job was just didn’t enter my brain.
So I went through the steps and did laugh as so few of my previous roles had anything much to do with my passions or natural skills and instincts. In fact a lot of the time I have gone against my natural temperament and abilities, though paying tribute to them occasionally in some roles I’d had I had mostly developed ‘interventions’ to develop the skills I have.
So my decision after a nice long holiday to think some more and have a bit of a collapse after 10 years at the same place was to try university and see if study would actually assist me in finding a concrete path to something I truly enjoy doing. Ultimately I’m still learning about myself and still finding my way in terms of alternative job roles. The last few steps are in no way near completion, but I do have my steps with me that I can update and confirm and think about. I know my values and that life is short and its way too short to spend in a job you hate or company that destroys your life energy and soul. So I highly recommend the journey, even if you can’t answer all the questions yet, talking to people and learning along the way questioning yourself will mean you start to get more answers! And who knows, one day I might hit upon that role that leaps out at me and shouts UTOPIA!!!
I like the way that each step contains a manageable chunk of reading and a small but meaningful and thought provoking activity. Cheers, Andrew
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