I was on LBC Radio at 2100 last night. I thought I was signing up for 0900 today but I’m a professional and got ready quickly.

The subject was – to talk about the decisions that people can make to ensure that 2022 is a more meaningful and positive year than 2021.

So glad it wasn’t about new year resolutions, I stopped making them a long time ago – truly the worse time of year.

You can listen to the recording via the link below. I’ve left the intro and the first speaker, my contribution comes in at 8 minutes.

I’m introduced as Dr Taylor, my first radio show as Dr Taylor. It made me stop a little when the presenter asked if they could call me Denise and afterwards said … as Dr Denise said.  I’ve still getting used to my new title.


What I suggest we all do is first to look back on the year gone and remember the positives, what you gained from the year. Remember, too, that you are no longer the same person who started 2021 or indeed before March 2020

The pandemic stopped us doing lots of things but also gave us the space to be more involved with our local community and perhaps to spend time out in nature



Chose to make it positive. Think about the actions you can take. To help you can think about what you want to be; what will make you happy.

Think about what gives you meaning

  • Is it contribution?
  • Is it service?
  • Is it love?

Think about your interests, what you could do more of – your hobbies and interests

  • Photography
  • Music
  • Cooking
  • Gardening
  • Reading …

You may like to think about your work

Whilst for some it may be to get a new job, it doesn’t have to be big things. Think about the small things you enjoy and how you can undertake Random Acts of Kindness

Imagine it is the end of 2022

  • Who do you want to be?
  • How do you want to feel?
  • What do you want to become?
  • What impact do you want to have had?


Now I’m Dr Taylor, my intention is to spend more time doing nature based work with clients, and more time allowing myself just to be in the wood alone, I loved being on my hammock in the wood last year.

Have you set an intention? I’d love to know do share below.

Published On: January 4th, 2022 / Categories: Inspiration /

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