Not everyone needs or wants to sign up for a series of coaching sessions, time or money can mean that a one off is the right choice.
If I think about my clients, they choose a one off session for different reasons.
1: Get to know Denise and decide whether to opt for The Gold Programme
We’ll talk through what’s included in the 1st session of The Gold Programme – passions and interests, thoughts you may have for careers, family pressures, what success means for you, life goals and personal objectives. If you then take The Gold Programme you receive this session as a credit against the programme.
2: Get some suggestions for careers
If you have no idea what you’d like to do, an interest inventory and discussion will help. You take the Strong Interest Inventory in advance of our meeting and in your session we discuss the results and link it to your skills and other important factors. You’ll also receive relevant details such as websites to help you to find out more about these jobs.
3: Discuss a work situation or dilemma
There are times when you need to consider a work situation – do you take the promotion, how do you deal with a difficult boss etc. You get a chance to talk through your issue with an objective outsider.
4: Discuss the 10 steps to a Job You Love eProgramme
Work through the 10 steps to a Job You Love eProgamme and then discuss your results with Denise.
5: Job Search
You may want to discuss job search – how to develop an effective job search strategy, revise your CV to take account of time out due to illness, to increase confidence for interviews etc. Job Search Support Programmes are also available including 90 minute interview coaching sessions and CV rewrites. Please see website for more details.
6: Seeking Clarity
You may not be sure what you want to talk about, nothing seems clear; you just know you are unhappy in your current situation. So why not come along and talk and let’s get the situation clearer for you.
For further information please get in touch.