A new year on the horizon. Let’s not just think about the last year, but the last nine. Think back to 2010 and think how far you have come.

Where did you have a 5* life, and where is there scope to make changes?

Think about last year, then see how much you can remember from previous years. In the past did you set yourself goals and create plans for what you were going to do? Regardless, in what way have things changed and how are you now?

So looking back, over 1, 5 or more years:

  • Think about what has gone well for you, and make sure you do more of this.
  • Think about what hasn’t gone well, what your part in them was and what you can learn from this
  • Think about the future and what you want to do. Do you have dreams you have abandoned, what would help take your life to the next level? What are you tolerating that you want to get rid of?

Are you where you want to be in your career? Do you know where you want to be in 1, 3, 5 and more years’ time?
What about your health – is it as good as it can be, what baby changes could you introduce? Should you be looking to make changes that are more radical?
Think about your relationship with others – family, friends and the wider community. We all differ in what we want; do you have the relationships you do want?
What about your personal development – your interests, your passions, the way you grow and develop as a person.

Some of us will set goals, just because it is the start of a new year, and for most people within a week the goals will have been forgotten.


Before you even think about resolutions, or new goals. Take the time to do a review. I’ve created a handy template to help you. I’m going to write more about that tomorrow so don’t forget to come back tomorrow.

Published On: December 27th, 2018 / Categories: Career Management /

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