Dear Denise,
Good morning,
Easter is such a lovely time, a 4-day weekend for most people and much less pressure than Christmas. I’ll be spending some time with family and also a few days walking near Formby. We are getting too old for camping and collect our new caravan tomorrow. I’ve never had a caravan before so a new adventure.
This week I’d like to
- Encourage you to be lazy
- Think about how people feel after meeting with you
- Be inspired by Dr Ted Rummel
I wish you a very happy Easter weekend and look forward to talking with you next time,
All good wishes
Denise x
Be lazy
This week I’ve been writing articles for various media outlets. My publishing company has a publicist focused on getting media attention for my book – Find Work at 50+, but it is me who has to do the work. 600 words for GransNet, an article to pitch for Forbes and articles that were urgent requests but I’m waiting to see if they are used. That’s the frustrating things, meeting a request and then nothing happens … or maybe it does but much later.
I’m getting better at keeping these articles so that I can use them elsewhere, perhaps on my blog or LinkedIn or refocus for another publication.
I end up as the opposite as lazy and waste time by writing similar articles from scratch as I can’t find the previous one I wrote. I may be very organised but sometimes my headings could be more helpful.
I’d like you to think about being lazy too and in 2 different ways.
Be lazy online
If you have written something for your company magazine could you also get it up on LinkedIn?
And if you have an article on LinkedIn could you turn it into a video or get it up on YouTube. Or turn an longer piece into a 7 top tips version?
Be lazy in life
It’s not just about working hard. We often get our best ideas when we are let our minds wander. For me when I’ve swum about 10 lengths I’m getting into the zone and ideas float into my head. It works for me too when I’m lazing on a beach.
Have you found similar?
Do people leave encounters with you with more energy or less?
I was talking with a potential enquirer today and said that it was a two-way process. alongside her finding out more about my service and making a judgement if she wants to work with me, I also need to make sure I think I can help the person and that I want to work with them.
I love working with clients who are interested in learning more, receptive to anything I share and I’m pretty sure they will move forward to take action.
I worked with Katherine this morning, what a great woman and I’m so happy for her, and want to know how she gets on. Her interest, energy, and enthusiasm was perfect.
Read more:
Inspiration: Paralyzed Surgeon Able to Work Thanks to an Amazing Stand up Wheelchair- Dr. Ted Rummel
A Missouri surgeon paralyzed in 2010 is continuing to operate on his patients-from a stand-up wheelchair. Dr. Ted Rummel experienced a blood-filled cyst on his spine burst, leaving him unable to move any part of his body below the waist. He is paralyzed from the waist down after his illness. He now performs procedures on patients’ hands, elbows, feet, knees and ankles from his sitting wheelchair. Even that doesn’t stop him from saving people’s lives. He is RESILIENT. He is a great example…when your gift, purpose and service knows NO limitation or excuses.
Read more:
Client Feedback
What can I say other than what a truly remarkable, knowledgeable and professional woman Denise Taylor is. Denise is an expert in her field and she really does know how to channel this expertise. Her service is personal to each individual and this is what makes her programmes such a success. After 8 years of searching I have finally got back my life and a vision of a remarkable life and career at that. I owe this to Denise’s expert guidance. I would still be searching and wasting more valuable time if it wasn’t for Denise. Denise, thank you so much. I will never forget all that you have done for me.
How’s your love for your job?
I want you to love your job and be happy in your life. If your Sundays are full of dread for the week ahead or you realise you have been chasing the money or someone else’s dream, it’s time for us to talk. Feel free to get in touch to schedule your complimentary 15-minute discussion so we can see if I can help.
And if you know what you want to do but you aren’t getting shortlisted then I can help with CV reviews, LinkedIn makeovers, Interview coaching and more.
Wishing you a lovely weekend, and I’ll talk again soon
Denise x