I was on Radio Gloucestershire yesterday, tallking about when you should start to plan for retirement and if you should begin to ease off work and give up on any ambition.
It all depends – for some people, they will want to set long term plans and to structure their way into their ideal retirement, making plans to work less and develop more interests. For other people they will find it less easy to plan for the long term and prefer to take life 6 months or so at a time. For these there is no point trying to make yourself look too far in the distance.
The presenter, Mark Cummings asked me about whether people should be satisfied with their positon and stop seeking promotions. i explained that some people can still be ambitious in their mid 50s, even mid 60s, but there are also plenty of people in their 20s and 30s that lack ambition.
I’ll be writing more on retirement planning in the future.