No one is secure in their jobs any more. We never know what might happen so here are a few tips to ensure you are marketable:
1.    Make sure that you do a good job so if some staff are let go they are more likely to keep you.
2.    Be visible: It is not just doing a good job but letting other people know you are doing a good job, so don’t hide your achievements away.
3.    Be indispensible. Be willing to volunteer for those jobs that others don’t want to do and be flexible in helping out. Create great relationships with your customers, really understand the computer system. Your boss will not want to let you go.
4.    Make or save the company money. Look for what you can do to help the company bottom line. Can you save them money? Simplify processes? Negotiate a better deal with suppliers?
5.    Have a positive attitude. When just some people are being made redundant, companies will often use this as an excuse to lay off the “difficult ones.”



Published On: November 21st, 2008 / Categories: Career Management /

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