Nazareth wrote “I have worked in the hospitality industry since I was 14 and want to work in another field but don’t have the experience to make the change…”
Hi Nazareth, thanks for your question. My reply will include some questions for you to work on.
I’m not sure how long you have been working in the hospitality industry but it would be useful to reflect back on what you have enjoyed doing and want to do more of, and what you want to get away from
Similar to planning a holiday and wondering where to go – e.g. Greece, Spain, Florida it is also useful to think about what sort of work you would like to do. If you don’t do this you will wonder aimlessly around job sites with no focus.
Think about you- the skills you have, the abilities you know about, your personality style, what’s really important to you. If you want more detailed guidance on this you can sign up for the 10 Steps to a job you love eProgramme via my web site.
You can use assessments such as the Strong Interest Inventory to help with career suggestions
I’m suggesting this as it is low cost, but you could probably find something for free via a search on the web, although these don’t always come with a detailed report.
Some of the jobs you would like to do may well involve experience that you don’t have but you can create a plan to develop this.
If you lack skills or experience you can ‘bridge the gap’ via:
- A training course (it does not have to be a degree, a short course may be just as effective)
- Through working in a voluntary capacity
- Taking on a short term internship
- Self directed learning via guided reading.
You can then include this on your CV for when you start applying for jobs to enhance your employability.
I maybe that you want to be a project manager but are unlikely to get shortlisted. In that case you could start by aiming for a job as a project manager and then gain experience, volunteer to take on extra responsibility and then be in a better position to apply
Get focused on this and let me know how you get on,
Denise Taylor
Chartered Psychologist and Award Winning Career Coach