Do you have an interview lined up but lacking confidence? Then booking an interview coaching session with Denise can help.
Last week I had a phone call from Emma, she was getting very worried about her forthcoming interviews – she had already been shortlisted twice before and failed to get both jobs so wanted some help in how to improve.
Emma had lots going for her – she was getting shortlisted and had a successful track record in health and safety, but was getting fed up and a little depressed that she didn’t get the job offer.
She lived some distance away (a 6 hour round trip) so we opted for a phone interview coaching session. I never used to do these but clients are finding them helpful and time efficient. The first hour followed this process
I asked questions
She responded,
I then gave feedback from an interviewers perspective
We then reviewed it from an interview coaching perspective
She then answered the question a second time
Like other people I’ve worked with she was modest, and didn’t want to sell herself, but if she didn’t describe her strengths and achievements who would? She also had a tendency to waffle and to loose the key points amongst the rest. So we practiced answering questions in the same style as a newspaper article – the headline, next important and then the rest.
I talked through how she should follow up afterwards, and she was delighted to learn that not only was she to be offered the job, but also they would match her previous salary.
Emma had bought my book – How to get a job in a recession, which she had found very helpful, and the interview coaching was a great addition as the support was personalised to her.