If you’re just about to head to University, you may have considered a career in dentistry. This isn’t something to think about lightly, as the career can be incredibly challenging yet rewarding. Like any other career, it has its upsides and downsides, and these are worth thinking about before you dive into the years of schooling required to qualify.

In this guide, we’re going to discuss the pros and cons of becoming a dentist, so you can make the decision for yourself.

The Pros of Being a Dentist

Respectable Career

As with most healthcare professions, dentistry is a highly respected career choice. In your local community, you will be respected and trusted with the health of your patients – both children and adults.

You Have the Chance to Help People

Dentistry is a service. And, with that service, you can improve people’s overall health, as well as provide them with the self-esteem boost they need. Dental work can change the way people eat, speak and smile, for the better, and you’ll be a significant part of that transformation.

This is incredibly rewarding, as you are able to help people feel more confident and less in pain almost instantly.

Job Stability

No matter what happens, there will always be a need for dentists. There is a high level of job stability in the dentistry profession, which is ideal after years of studying. With the increase in demand for cosmetic treatments too, dentists also have the option of specialising and starting their own practice. If this is something that interests you, then Kent Express has everything you need for a professional setup. Shop for tools and equipment at kentexpress.co.uk.

Work Life Balance

Other than the occasional emergency treatment, dentists work on a standard, full-time schedule. While some work Monday to Friday, others work even less – meaning there’s plenty of opportunities to achieve the perfect work life balance.

The Cons of Being a Dentist

It’s a Huge Commitment to Studying

As mentioned above, studying to become a dentist takes years. Typically, in the UK, dental school is a minimum of 5 years, with more required for those looking to specialise. This is definitely something to consider as not only will it eat up your time for a good chunk of your life; it will also be quite expensive.


Although dentistry is a high-paying job, heading out of dental school leaves you with a lot of debt. This debt could quickly lead to financial stress, which can affect other areas of your life.


But this isn’t the only stress involved in being a dentist. Patient’s health and confidence are in your hands, and every patient’s needs or capabilities will be different. What may be a simple procedure for one patient could be a complex and slow process for another. As every mouth is different, treatments can be inconsistent and require plenty of thought beforehand. This can all add stress and anxiety when finding the best course of action.

There are plenty of other pros and cons for being a dentist, but these are some to consider seriously. While job stability may ease stress, debt and the emotional drain of the job could bring it all back. And with years of studying required before you can work, it is important to be certain about your choice to become a dentist.

Image by oswaldoruiz from Pixabay

Published On: March 16th, 2021 / Categories: Career Discovery /

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