LinkedIn is an essential part of your job search strategy. That’s why I created the eBook – How To Use LinkedIn to Find A New Job, a very comprehensive guidance resource.

You can’t just sit back there’s plenty you can do to use LinkedIn as part of your job search strategy.
You can read many blog post LinkedIn articles via this link –

In particular you may be interested in


LinkedIn is probably the most effective way to find a job and to manage your career. Part of effective use of LinkedIn is managing your connections.
Recent changes to LinkedIn – How You Rank and SWAM – Site Wide Automated Monitoring
LinkedIn Profile Makeovers – You need an effective online presence and your LinkedIn profile is essential. Too many have a poor online presence and wonder why it doesn’t bring success.
LinkedIn is an essential part of our career management and job search and I gave a master class on this last week. One question I often get asked is about a photo – and how important is it?It’s critical, we look at people’s faces and are drawn to their eyes so you need a great head and shoulders photo.

LinkedIn is no longer an option, you have to have a LinkedIn profile. You need to be on LinkedIn if you are looking for a new job, if you are open to new job opportunities and to help with your career development.

LinkedIn – how effective is your online networking?


Four steps to determine your LinkedIn profile focus when job hunting.
Many job seekers want to get ‘the edge’ in their job search and an effective LinkedIn profile could be it.
I regularly get people requesting to connect with me through saying they are a friend, or saying that we have worked together at XXXX company, the company they work at. Why do they do this? I’m very easy to find online and they could email me. Or they could create a personal request.
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One question I often get asked is about the LinkedIn photo – and how important is it? It’s critical, we look at people’s faces and are drawn to their eyes so you need a great head and shoulders photo.

Are you checking out the stats on ‘Who’s viewed your profile? Most people I talk with never do this so I’ve recorded a video to talk you through what to do.

I still have new clients who can’t see the relevance, and I talk to career professionals who don’t understand why LinkedIn keeps making changes. What many (most?) don’t realise is that we, as individuals are not the main focus of LinkedIn – they only make money from us if you choose a premium solution, much more of LinkedIn’s profit is from the marketing and talent solutions sold to recruiters.

Recruiters have a special app – Recruiter Corporate which means that they see LinkedIn profiles in a different way to users like you and me. Did you know a recruiter – Can’t see CVs attached to LinkedIn profiles? I know how to get yours seen.
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Headhunters are looking for the right people for their clients, and one way of sourcing clients is through LinkedIn. When you find people with potential, they are going to look you up, will they be inspired by what they find?
Yoiu may also be interested inthis link to the Top 10 Job Search Blog Posts. They say ‘At LinkedIn, we believe everyone has the right to find their dream job.Here are the top 10 LinkedIn blog posts on landing a career opportunity you’ll love’. You can access it hereLinkedIn Job Search Articles
As always, I’ve written this to be helpful, if it provokes any questions or have a comment to make please make a note or ask a question below.
Denise Taylor is a double award winning career coach and Chartered Psychologist with Amazing People, established in 1998. When you are unsure of your career future, need help with job search or seek to improve your presence in an online world, Denise can help. Denise is the author of 7 books including How To Get A Job In A Recession, Now You’ve Been Shortlisted and Fat to Fantastic
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Published On: December 3rd, 2014 / Categories: Social Media / Tags: /

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